FinalMile Consulting was hired to conduct a behavioural study on PMJDY (The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana) communications and Bank Mitra Remuneration Model. This study focused on goals, motivations and barriers of PMJDY users in engaging with banks. Challenge FinalMile was looking to design this text heavy case study in an organic manner. A clean design and ease of navigation was important to represent the case study. Approach A 3x3 grid gives a fresh feel to the design and makes a text heavy report look less intimidating. When text is presented in smaller chunks, it encourages the reader to better understand the content. Data Visualization was a key factor in making the monotonous narrative look more appealing, thus encouraging better engagement with the report. Research and Solutions - FinalMile Consultants Data Visualization, Design & Layout - Kinni Makwana | Freelance Project May, 2017 | Mumbai, India